Business Metrics Package

Business Metrics

InnerSee offers several methods to help organizations analyze important business aspects related to the people within the system. Our workflow analysis can improve organizational performance. Clearly determined and defined expectations and roles will catapult the effectiveness of your team. Establishing the level of employee engagement or assessing the culture of your organization will enable appropriate actions to be developed to increase employee retention.

AlEx™ – The AlEx™ process develops more measurable ways of working more effectively through a process of examining expectations to create alignment and strategic focus. The final outcomes help individuals understand what is expected of them, what they can expect from others, how well they are strategically aligned and how their performance is measured and compensated.

Organization Performance Improvement Tool – this tool analyzes the workflow in an organization to identify the percentage of time employees are ‘on task’ and to pinpoint areas for improvement. Essentially, this metric provides data to our clients about their operating and organizational effectiveness.

Employee Engagement Survey – InnerSee’s highly customized approach to employee engagement surveys begins with stakeholder interviews that guide the questionnaire development and survey reporting process. InnerSee uses an empirically tested model of organizational effectiveness that involves three main components: Execution, Enablement, and Engagement.

Organization Culture Inventory® – The OCI® provides organizations with a visual profile of their operating cultures (Current Culture) in terms of the behaviours that members believe are required to “fit in and meet expectations” measured against their identified ideal operating culture (Ideal Culture). Quantifying and managing your organization’s culture is critical for bringing to life your organizational values, supporting new implemented strategies and goal attainment.

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